Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Does anyone have some theories on what they think will happen go interest rates or the US economy if the Euro collapses (or Spain, Greece or others pull out), and the Asian economies start to stall?

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Tornados, Volcanoes, and Fukushima is hosed......
Seems like our ADHD approach to news keeps us moving on to the next story. But it is worth circling back especially now that we know one and possibly 2 more reactors @ Tepco's Fukushima Daiichi plant have actually MELTED DOWN. Yikes. (sources = NY Times, WS Journal). Sympathy and prayers to all affected by these disasters. May 2011

Friday, March 7, 2008

Indeed Super Tuesday backfires?

Ok after a pause in the action, it does look like the state's super tuesday strategy may not have worked. At least in the Demoncratic side. States that delayed (or did not change their primaries) may have more weight in the final outcome between Clinton & Obama. McCain and the republicans did not experience this. Thoughts?

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Feb 5, 2008 Super Duper Tuesday

(flag courtesy of www.photohome.com)

hey, what about super tuesday? or rather super duper tuesday Feb 5, 2008? Seems like states that felt marginalized in the presidential elector process are moving their primaries to the early Feb 5 date. Reasons? Concern about having 2 early events, with unrepresentative diversity (e.g. 95% white), have such a large influence on who goes forward. So, with a much larger (126m) voter base early, the campaign strategies must be different. Media buys in California (expensive), vs. 1:1 time in smaller venues. My prediction? The early Iowa & New Hampshire events will be marginalized, BUT, the surprise will be when no clear winner emmerges. Then states with LATER primaries will actually carry more sway. Hmmm.. What do you think?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Gas prices quietly Sky rocket!!!

Have you been noticing the sly rise in gas prices - at or above $3/gallon - even with a barrel of oil hovering around $60 (Light, sweet crude for April delivery rose 28 cents to US$60.35 a barrel in electronic trading on the New York Mercantile Exchange as of March 6, 2007). This is well below the recent highs last year of around $76 per barrel. In San Diego, where this photo was taken, prices have always been higher due to the "special" CA blend (lower emmissions), and refinery capacity issues in the past. Is anyone else seeing this??? Just curious. My wallet says, "ouch".

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Who knows if Office 2007 and Office 2003 can both co-exist?

OK, silly question - if I install Office 2007, will that hose Office 2003? My assumption is that both should be able to operate, and that I'd have 2 versions of, say, WORD, EXCEL etc. But, you never know with MSFT if they disable the older version......

Friday, January 26, 2007

Digg test

here is another digg test.
